Q: Where can I find an A T M that accepts my Diners Club Card?
A: Diners Club offers cash access at nearly 1.2 million global A T M's in more than 140 countries & territories worldwide.
Q: Is there a transaction fee for cash advances or A T M withdrawals?
A: Each time you use your card to obtain cash from an A T M, a transaction fee will be reflected on your next billing statement.
Q: What should I do if I lose or forget my PIN?
A: Please call our Customer Service Department toll-free in Canada & the US at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 or call collect from elsewhere: 5 1 4 8 8 1 3 7 3 5.
Q: How do I get cash advances?
A: You can get over-the-counter Cash Advances on your Diners Club Card at any bank displaying the Mastercard® logo, and participating Inter-Continental hotels around the world. Call Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 so we can direct you to the location most convenient for you. In an emergency situation, our Customer Service will do their utmost to secure a cash advance for you, wherever you are. Over-the Counter Cash advances and Emergency Cash Advances are subject to a fee. As certain terms and conditions apply, please refer to your Cardmember Agreement.
Q: Are there fees or interest charges if I do not pay on time?
A: Your Diners Club Card allows you to carry a balance on a monthly basis. If the new balance is paid in full and received by Diners Club by the due date (which is up to 25 days from the statement date), no interest charges will be assessed on the new transactions. This interest-free period does not apply to any revolving balances, which are unpaid balances that are carried forward from the previous month. If you are a current cardmember, please refer to your most recent Cardmember Agreement for information on interest rates and other fees.
Q: Can I dispute a charge on my current statement?
A: Yes, you can dispute a charge on your statement within 30 days of the date the charge was billed to your account by calling our Customer Service Department toll-free from within Canada or the US at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3. Alternatively, you can also mail your inquiry to: Diners Club International – Dispute Resolution Department, PO Box 3300 RPO Streetsville, Mississauga ON, L5M 0S7.
Q: What should I do if I can't identify a transaction on my statement?
A: Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 and we will look into the matter for you. You can also complete a "Billing and Payment Inquiry" form, which you will find by clicking on the "Forms" tab in e-Account Manager.
Q: How do I report a lost or stolen Card?
A: Please call Customer Service immediately, toll-free in Canada & the US at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3. From elsewhere, call collect 5 1 4 8 8 1 3 7 3 5.
Q: How long will it take to receive a new Card?
A: You will receive a new Card in 7 to 10 business days. If it is needed sooner, please contact Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3.
Q: What if there are unauthorized charges on my Card?
A: Once you notify our Customer Service, you will not be liable for unauthorized charges that occur after you have notified Diners Club of the loss, theft or possible unauthorized use. In any case, your liability for use in an unauthorized manner will not exceed $50, except that you will be liable for all losses caused by your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your PIN or to store it separately from your card.
Q: What do I need to do to activate my card?
A: After you receive your card, call the number printed on the security sticker that can be found on your new card in order to activate it. It is recommended that you call from your home phone number. Once you've activated your card and signed it on the back, you may begin to use it immediately.
Q: How can I change personal account information, such as my name or billing address?
A: If you are the primary cardmember and want to change your name, please call Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3. You will be required to provide a legal document (i.e.: drivers license, marriage certificate, etc.) as proof. For changes to an address, please contact Customer Service and provide us with the updated information. You may also change this information in e-Account Manager by clicking on "Update Information" in the "Account Management" tab.
Q: How long will it take for a change in name or billing address to take effect?
A: Your name change request will take effect on the business day following receipt of the required proof. Address changes will take effect on the business day following receipt of the request.
Q: How can I add individuals to my card?
A: Please call Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3.
Q: How do I cancel my card or additional cards on my account?
A: If you are the primary cardmember, you may cancel your card and any additional cards on your account by calling us at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3. Please note that if you are an additional cardmember, you may cancel your own access to the account, but you cannot cancel a primary account.
Q: Can I transfer balances from other cards to my Diners Club Card?
A: Balance transfer is not an option available to our cardmembers at this time.
Q: How do I dispute a charge on my statement?
A: Transactions can be disputed several different ways. You can dispute a charge online via Online Account Manager or by calling our Customer Service Department toll-free from within Canada at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3. Alternatively, you can also mail your inquiry to: Diners Club International – Dispute Resolution Department, PO Box 3300 RPO Streetsville, Mississauga ON, L5M 0S7. Please be advised, you can dispute a charge on your statement within 30 days of the date the charge was billed to your account. It usually takes from 45 to 60 days to research a dispute.
Q: What if I'm missing Rewards from my account?
A: If you have any issues at all with your point balance, please feel free to contact us at 1 8 0 0 6 6 3 0 7 9 8 and one of our many helpline agents will assist you further.
Q: What do I do if I have a problem logging in to my online statement?
A: If you need assistance in accessing or using any aspect of our web site, you can contact Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3.
Q: How can I change my password?
A: If you would like to change your password to access e-Account Manager, you can do so by first logging in using your existing password. At the top of the page, under the "Account Management" tab, you will see a link entitled "Change Password". Click on this link to access the "Change Password" screen; then type in your old password and your new password (twice) for verification. This will replace your current password with a new one.
Q: What if I forget my password?
A: If you forget your password to log in to e-Account Manager, you can create a new password online. Just select "Forgotten Password" and provide the required security information (previously entered) in order to create a new password.
Q: I registered and have a password but the selection box is blank in the "View Online Statement" page? What is the problem?
A: In order to use our web site, you will need to have the cookies enabled on your computer. If you need assistance please contact our Customer Service Centre at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (ET).
Q: How do I access my statement information on the Internet?
A: You may access your statements online through e-Account Manager, the "secure account management" form on the top right side of this page. First time users will need to register by providing personal security information before obtaining the ability to view statements online.
Q: Is it free to access the e-Account Manager area?
A: Yes, access to your Diners Club online statement is absolutely free and is a convenient service provided to you as a Diners Club Cardmember.
Q: What browser do I need to access online statements?
A: Diners Club requires that you use a browser that is SSL-enabled when you access Account information in your Online Statement. You will need a minimum of the following: Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape Navigator 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0. Almost any newer browser will let you access this secure area of our Web site, as these browsers support 128-bit encryption, which provides the highest level of security available. (You will also need to enable JavaScript and accept cookies for your browser.)
Q: Can I forgo the printed statement for an electronic bill delivered via my e-mail?
A: No, this option is not available at this time.
Q: Will you be eliminating the printed statement?
A: No. Our cardmembers will continue to receive their statement in print form. The online statement simply provides an additional option for viewing and reconciling statements at your convenience.
Q: How can I order a duplicate statement?
A: Duplicate statements are available by calling Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3.
Q: How current is the information on the online statement?
A: You are able to see any current activity on your card, as well as the last 12 months of statements.
Q: There are additional cards on my account. Will each cardmember be able to see all of the transaction information for this account?
A: Only primary cardmembers can access their online statements. Access to online statements can only be made by using a password chosen by the primary cardmember. The sharing of password information is at the discretion of the primary cardmember.
Q: How can I search for a transaction in my online account statement?
A: For your convenience there is a "Find" function to help you search for a transaction on your statement. [Note you can only search one monthly statement at a time.] You can access this function either by holding down the "CTRL" and "F" keys on your keyboard or through the "Edit" tool on your browser. Choose "Edit" and "Find" and then enter the information you are looking for. You can search for information such as a ticket number, dollar amount, reference number, or establishment name. When a match is found it will be highlighted on your statement. If the first item is not correct, select "Find Next" to continue, until you locate the item in question.]
Q: Can I sort my transaction history by transaction type?
A: You may only sort this way after you have downloaded your transactions into Quicken, Lotus, Excel or Microsoft Money. Then you can sort the information by transaction type using the functions of that software.
Q: Can I download my statement information to a software program? What are my options?
A: You are able to download your online statement data into text format, or into Quicken, Lotus, Microsoft Money, or Excel.
Q: Can I view my Online Statements with my Palm Pilot or any other wireless device?
A: You can receive account-related information in the form of «alerts» directly to email, cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), or other wireless devices. Alerts can be set for up to two text-enabled wireless devices, and/or up to two email addresses.
Q: Where can I find a listing of Diners Club International airport lounges and their locations from within an airport?
A: Diners Club offers access to an extensive network of international airport lounges. View a listing of locations and get more information and updates about Diners Club airport lounges at www.dinersclubinternational.com/airport-lounges.html.
Q: Is there a fee to access a Diners Club International airport lounges? Can I bring a guest?
A: Access to most of our airport lounges is free to Diners Club Cardmembers, however some locations may require a fee for cardmembers or any guests. If you have any questions, please contact Diners Club Customer Service at 1 8 0 0 3 6 3 3 3 3 3.
Q: What amenities are available in the Diners Club International airport lounges?
A: While amenities differ by location, typically you will find newspapers and magazines, telephones, TVs, complimentary beverages, fax machines, and copiers in our International Airport Lounges. As specific services vary, please consult our airport lounge directory for details about a particular lounge.
Q: What are the Emergency Travel Assistance Services and what information do you provide?
A: The Emergency Travel Assistance Services is an exclusive travel service available only through Diners Club. Our Travel Assistance providers are available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week and can assist you with: Pre-trip assistance, such as passport and visa requirements, inoculation information and health hazards advisories, medical assistance, legal assistance, Canadian Embassy and Consulate information and emergency message transmission. This service is provided free of charge and is available by calling in Canada and the US toll free 1 8 6 6 8 6 5 2 6 1 7, or elsewhere by calling collect at 4 1 6 9 7 7 7 7 4 3. For more detailed information, please refer to the last page of the Summary of Insurance Coverages that was sent to you with your card.